By Author
Friday, March 26, 2021

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For most foster teens the day they turn 18, they’re suddenly on their own, responsible to find a place to live, manage their money, their shopping, their clothing, their food, and finding the strength to continue their education. Unlike these teens, most of their peers still receive help from family in these transition seasons.

Majority of these teens in foster care have a difficult time with all of these abrupt changes. They’re less likely to find a job, attend college, or even find a place to lay their head down every night.

Hope Haven of East Texas is expanding into a Supervised Independent Living Program to stand in the gap for these teens after they age out of the foster care system.

Our first home that was provided by Southern Oaks Baptist Church is called Oak Haven. 

Image title

"Someone somewhere is sitting in shade because someone planted an oak tree a long time ago..." 
