Volunteer Application

If you would like to join Hope Haven Volunteer program, please complete the following: List 2 references, with complete addresses and phone numbers. Attend our volunteer training class.

Hope Haven Volunteer Online Application

† Required Fields

Personal Information
full timepart time
Employment History
Employer One
Employer Two
Vounteer Experience
Background Check
I understand
Non-Family Member References
Reference One
Reference Two
Emergency Contact Information
Contact One
Contact Two
How did you hear about Hope Have Volunteer Program
NewspaperHope Haven StaffVolunteerOther
By signing below, I certify this information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and I understand that any misrepresentation or willful omission of facts will be cause for rejection of this application or termination of my volunteer association. I hereby authorize Hope Haven, to conduct personal reference checks, driving history and/or criminal conviction records to determine my acceptability for a volunteer position. I further agree to observe all rules, regulations and policies of Hope Haven.